Six principles of effective consulting will be discussed: Attention to other, Attention to self, Atttuning (on six levels), Adding, Assertiveness and Alternatives. Different types find different strengths and challenges in…
Actors generally disdain “type casting,” yet Enneagram-savvy filmgoers observe that winners of Academy Awards for acting are often playing roles related to their type – home point, stress or security…
The foundation of Physical Intelligence (PQ) is the relationship between personality and the body. It takes Will to change old habits that no longer serve us. On automatic pilot, the…
This session will offer an overview of an “interpersonal neurobiology” of the developing mind and how it emerges from the transaction of neurophysiological and interpersonal processes. This perspective enables a…
Psychology: Awakening and Sustaining the Capacity for "Presence" by Applying Dialectical Behavioral Training (DBT) Skills to Enneagram Compulsions
Aspects of Marsha Linehan’s Dialectical Behavioral Training Skills (Core Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, and Distress Tolerance) are introduced. Focusing on the average range of Don Riso’s Levels of Development, specific compulsions…
With head and heart harmonized, we can hardly make mistakes. This is how the mystical heart becomes magical. Magic — producing the desired effect or result — happens from the…
Interviewing panels of exemplars is the central mode of teaching the Enneagram in the Narrative Tradition. The attentional style of each type, which aligns with the mental, emotional, and physical…
Business: Bring the Enneagram to Business: Using the Theories, Principles, and Practices of Organization Development
This highly interactive session will show you how to bring the Enneagram to business and make a real difference. From the principles and practices of organization development, learn how to…
This session consists of the on-going research about Enneagram Types and how they manifest in handwriting. At an epistemological level, the connections between these two tools are numerous. At first,…
When injury or illness results in chronic pain, the results are often a major change in the person’s wellbeing, career, relationships, and independence. To learn what the particular challenges are…
This session addresses how we can simply and effectively support our personal and spiritual development in the course of daily life. First is befriending our personal reactivity, the things that…
Psychology: Eliminate Your Most Misery-Producing, Life-Long, Joy -Destroying Compulsions in Just 1 Hour
Survival of the human species depends on the ability to work together in an organized com munity, reproduce, and keep ourselves healthy and fed. What enables us to perform these…
Spirituality: The Enneagram, Psycho-Spiritual Transformation and Jung's Opus Contranaturum: The Great Work Which Goes Against One's Nature
This workshop provides participants with a map for the journey of liberation from conditioning and fearful reactions into genuine awakening and essence. Participants are guided through visualizations, meditations, experiential exercises,…
This presentation will include two videotapes: the first entitled “Education in the Twilight of Patriarchy,” the second entitled “Love, Unlove and False Love.” It will include some small group self-insight…
After introducing the Enneagram to an organization…then what? The Enneagram is, to be sure, a great tool for a coach or consultant to help individuals grow through self-awareness. However, although…
Matisse and Picasso were two of the most influential artists in twentieth century Western art. They were friends, foes, and competitors with great mutual respect for each other’s Being and…
The Alibis are specific strategies that every type adopts in order to justify aggressiveness towards others and the world. They are, in other words, nine styles of excuses our ego…
Using a holistic view of the nine types, this presentation will focus on the role of the body, the instincts, and emotions in working with personality and character structure. Wilhelm…
This workshop involves a deep look into how personality Type influences the way in which we experience “chemistry,” or the lack of it, with potential mates. What triggers our deepest…
Spirituality: Spiritual Mechanics: From Type to Spiritual Consciousness through the Power of Intention
We read, we workshop, yet we do not change. Change comes from awareness and intention. Defuse the Type’s control over your world by reconnecting with the present and by moving…
The strategy process of a modern organization relies on commitment of everyone in the team. This presentation will demonstrate how the Enneagram can make this an easier job, through a…
We will explore how the three steps of the creative process – Conceptualization, Visualization, and Manifestation – correlate with the Thinking, Feeling, and Sensing Centers of the Enneagram. We will…
Reviewing the events of one’s life is highly conducive to acquiring self-knowledge, which can lead to selfacceptance. With self-acceptance, it becomes easier to connect with other human beings and have…
Based on Dr. Thomas’s dissertation, “A Neurotransmitter Theory of Personality Based on the Enneagram,” this session discusses how each of the nine distinct personality types may be due to a…
The Dynamic Enneagram is a workshop to help you translate the Enneagram’s theories into fruitful, effective practice. Tom will work with an audience member who wants to change an Enneagram-related…
What is the relationship between the Enneagram and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life? In what way do these two sacred maps allow us to glimpse the unfolding of reality and…